Info Aperture is a blog about information design by Kate M.

New Year, New Gut! An Infographic on Sauerkraut

New Year, New Gut! An Infographic on Sauerkraut

Happy New Year!

I just learned that in some parts of the world eating sauerkraut on new year’s day is a thing, so I decided to release my newest infographic today.

I’m a big fan of fermented vegetables, for many reasons but mostly for the health benefits. One of my goals for 2019 is to be able to speak intelligently about some of the things I’ve learned about diet and overall health over the years. Here’s my first attempt at providing an introduction to a fascinating and natural process (fermentation) and to provide some cultural and health context around why you all should be eating sauerkraut. I also provide my own recipe for making what is often called “German Sauerkraut.” If you do find yourself trying it out, please know that fermentation is a lot of trial and error, but I also highly encourage experimentation! There are so many ways to ferment vegetables, and trying out this classic is just the beginning and a good place to start!

Sauerkraut GraphicDRAFT12.6.18-01.png
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